I have a new website!!! Since it's kind of hard to organize my photos in this blog I set up a website. You can find it HERE. Eventually this blog will be deleted but I'll keep it up for now.

Greetz Ilja van Bommel

Tractor Lovin'

We were at my families farm last weekend when we met up with the neighbours. Turns out Marco is a real enthousiast when it comes to tractors (Guldner tractors to be more exact). He was more than happy to tell me about the ins and outs of this type of tractor and why they are so great. He was even more happy to take 5 of them out of the barn for a photoshoot.

And Marco, if you read this: I'm sending you the prints.

(click to enlarge)

One girl and the woods


It's been such a long time since my last post. I've been busy with to many things lately accept photography. Here is a photo of my daughter and one of the woods I was walking through with her and my wife.

(As always: click to enlarge)